Ergonomics Services

Total Ergonomics – Compliance, comfort and productivity.

End to end ergonomics solutions, tailored to each and every one of your people, from as little as €15 per employee per year.

Optimised Working Environments.

What Is Ergonomics?

Ergonomics is the science of designing work environments and tasks to fit the capabilities and limitations of workers. It aims to improve comfort, efficiency, and safety by optimising the interaction between people and their workspaces, reducing the risk of injury and enhancing overall productivity and well-being.


Employer’s Legal Obligations

Legislation & Compliance.

Employers in Ireland have an obligation to assess each employee’s workstation under the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (General Application) Regulations 2007, specifically Chapter 5 – Display Screen Equipment.

DSE Assessments Are Required For Most Workers.
Employers Responsibility For Home And Office Compliance.
A Software-only Solution Is Not Compliant.

Did you Know?

MSK related injuries are the number one cause of workplace absenteeism.

Ensuring employee workstations are set up in an ergonomic manner is the best way an employer can address this.

Some of the most common issues leading to employee absenteeism include:

Multiple people in a busy office environment

In 2013, about 55,000 workers in Ireland reported work-related illnesses, with MSDs (musculoskeletal disorders) being a primary factor, contributing to a substantial portion of the 790,000 total days lost due to work-related illnesses that year. The average length of absence due to MSDs was around 15.9 days, supporting the estimated figure when scaled across the workforce.

- Economical & Social Research Institute (ESRO)

Our Solution

A Comprehensive Ergonomic Journey, Led By Chartered Physiotherapists. 

Empower your team with our tailored ergonomic solutions, designed by chartered physiotherapists. Improve workplace health, reduce absenteeism, and enhance productivity through expert guidance and comprehensive assessments.

 How It Works:

Stage 1

Digital Risk Assessment.

5–10-minute Adaptive Questionnaire that will identify and categorise risks for each employee.

Stage 2

Individualised Reporting.

Personalised report with e-learning and tips for each employee, to ensure they work safely, comfortably, and productively.

Stage 3

Expert Consultations.

1:1 Expert Video Consultations with our assessor for employees who are at risk to rectify issues and adjust setups.

Stage 4

Analysis And Action.

Review and act upon identified risks & equipment recommendations, protecting both you & your employees.

Stage 1.

The Digital Risk Assessment.

Our digital assessment tool provides clear insights into the risk level of each individual.

Low Risk

Suitable For E-Learning Support.

Have a good workstation with standard, office style equipment. Not exhibiting any pain or discomfort

Medium Risk

Expert Consultation Required.

Medium risk – may be experiencing some pain or discomfort or have non-standard equipment

High Risk

Expert Consultation Required.

This is a person who may be experiencing pain or discomfortand has risks relating to equipment.


Expert Consultation Required.

This person has indicated they have a medical or disability issue that is relevant to their workstation.

Stage 1.

The Digital Risk Assessment.

Our digital risk assessment tool provides clear insights into the risk level of each individual. A clinically dervied algorithm assigns a Red, Amber, Green risk rating to each employee, and where required, can identify those with complex needs and assign a Specialty pathway, ensuring everyone’s unique needs and circumstances are covered.

All data is made available to the employer via the Analytics Dashboard.

Stage 2.

Individualised Reporting.

After completing the initial risk assessment, your employee will receive a personalised report highlighting key areas where they may be at risk, and provide them with e-learning content on how to best work with the equipment they have.

Employee reports can also contain a link for them to book a 1-1 Consultation with an ergonomics expert, allowing your employees to self-manage their assessment journey.

Stage 3.

Consultation with our ergonomics assessor.

Employees meet 1-1 with an Ergonomic Assessor for a virtual 30-minute assessment which will:

Employees receive immediate feedback on their assessments via email, with a detailed breakdown of the assessment and additional self-directed e-learning content.

All data is made available to the employer via the Analytics Dashboard.

Stage 4.

Analysis & Action.

You’ll be able to make informed decisions on equipment recommendations for each of your employees using your integrated employee analytics dashboard*.

The analytics dashboard will provide you with key information, summarised & presented in a concise format, enabling you to take action easily.

All equipment recommendations are made available to the employer only by default.

*For data protection reasons, medically sensitive data is not directly accessible but is presented in an anonymised format.

What’s Included

An All-Encompassing Package For Business Of All Sizes.

From just €15 per employee per year, our total ergonomics services is suitable for business of all sizes. With unlimited always-on assessments, supported by our Physio-led virtual consultations & analytics platform, your employees are in safe hands.

Unlimited, Always-on Digital Risk Assessments​
1-1 Virtual Consultations
Employer Analytics Platform for:​

We can also provide onsite ergonomics assessments days in office or full team screening, as well as ergonomics and/or MSK Health seminars - get in touch to find out more.

Why Work With Us?

We’ve provided over 250,000 ergonomic assessments in Ireland since 2020. 

Alongside our digital ergonomics assessments, our physio-led team have provided over 250k assessments to a growing list of clients.

Our Clients

Get In Touch.

Speak with our team today to arrange your free demo.

Talk to one of our specialists today and see how Spectrum Health can help your employees.