Undertaking a diet is rarely an easy or straightforward task. We all struggle with them at first but when we start to see results the sacrifices which are made are worthwhile. Cravings for our favorite foods are part and parcel of dieting and is something we have to learn how to manage. Cravings for high calorie foods such as chocolate, crisps, fast-food (to name but a few) are extremely common. These cravings are both physiological and psychological, so today we look to give you a few tips on how you can combat the cravings which may be negatively impacting your dieting progress.
Simple Suggestions to Help Deal With Cravings
The Clock – When hunger strikes the cravings for certain foods will kick in but this is a normal physiological response. Once you have not eaten in a few hours, your blood sugar levels will drop. So if you are in between meals and still hungry reach for some low calorie snacks like fruits, nuts a couple of handfuls of popcorn, celery, carrots etc.
Protein’s Part – Every main meal should contain lean protein foods. This can be found in chicken, turkey, eggs, fish and red meats. Protein makes you feel fuller for longer as well and helps to control blood sugar patterns.
Drink Plenty of Water – Often dehydration can cause people to crave salty foods. So a simple remedy to this is to continually drink water during the day. An 8 ounce glass of water will quench your thirst, help you feel fuller and take your mind off any cravings you may be having.
Distract Yourself – It may seem like an obvious suggestion but doing something to distract yourself is one of the best ways to stop thinking about food. So do whatever you enjoy doing – read a book, watch TV, listen to music or go for a walk.
Chewing Gum – Chewing sugarless or calorie free gum can greatly help you stave off your cravings for the sweeter things, keep a few different packets for a bit of variety.
Treat Yourself – Often we indulge in our food cravings to reward ourselves, or make to make us feel better. Try replacing the craving for food with a pleasurable activity – watch a film, take a bubble bath or possibly something that burns calories, like going for a walk.
Clean Your Teeth – This is literally a case of brushing your craving away. Minty toothpaste and mouthwash will leave your teeth feeling clean. Once you mouth feels clean you wont want to spoil it by eating something salty or sugary.
Exercise – Every diet should be adequately supplemented with exercise. Not only will exercise help you to lose calories but it will help you take your mind off cravings. It doesn’t matter what the activity is walking, running or even cutting the grass, or all great ways to deal with cravings.
Change What You Eat – Cravings for refined foods like starchy bread and pasta and white sugar are very common, so they more of these that you consume, the more likely you are to crave them. Break this pattern of eating by replacing refined foods with whole wheat and fiber rich substitutes. Fiber makes you fuller for longer and therefore will reduce your food cravings.
Dieting is no doubt as tough process but once can control your cravings it will become a lot easier. Once you know how to manage them you will be about to better control your calorie intake. Of course will power is vital for beating food cravings and without this this task at hand is much harder.
If you do need assistance with a diet plans call us today to set up a consultation with one of highly skilled Diet & Nutrition team.