Lunch Time Ideas

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As we are preparing ourselves to settle into a more regular routine again in the coming week, it’s a great time to plan ahead on the grocery front. 

What are you planning for your lunchtimes this coming week?

Lunchtimes make for a wonderful opportunity to squeeze in some extra vegetables, fruit and starchy wholegrain carbohydrate foods. From wraps and baps to salads and soups, these workday lunches are fresh, fast, and make the most of what you’ve got. This week it may be worth put the following lunchtime ideas on the grocery list:

Wholegrain bread sandwiches packed full of salad vegetables

Think cucumber, tomatoes, salad leaves, radishes, sweetcorn and grated carrot

Dinner-time leftovers:

Plan to make an extra portion of the stir-fry or vegetable soup and pack it for lunch the next day

Home Made Soup

Having a couple of quick soup recipes up your sleeve enables you to easily pack veg into your lunchtimes. Whether it’s a classic minestrone or a vibrant tomato soup, a basic soup recipe is fully flexible and perfect for using up leftovers or adapting to whatever you’ve got. Make a batch at the beginning of the week and it’ll be yours to enjoy for days.

A Hot Or Cold Salad

Mix some tasty roast vegetables with some unsalted nuts and serve with some toast, or serve your typical salad with some cold wholegrain pasta/rice and some meat/tofu for aw delicious lunch-time salad.


What are you planning for your lunchtimes this week?

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