Chances are we’re all a little out of our usual routine at the moment. And that extends to how we exercise and stay active, especially with gyms and swimming pools currently being closed. A lot of people are turning to walking to keep fit as it’s probably the most practical thing we can do right now.
But what can walking do for you? Here are some of the benefits:
Better mental health: Numerous studies found sufficient evidence for walking in the prevention and treatment of anxiety and depression, and there appears to be additional benefits from walking outdoors than indoors on a treadmill.
Improved physical health: Regular walking has also been linked to an improvement in cholesterol levels, blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, vascular stiffness and inflammation.
Reduced risk of illness: All you need to do is 30 minutes of brisk walking five days a week to improve your cardiac health, reduce the risk of coronary artery disease and lower the risk of stroke.
Making the most of your time
If you’re nipping out during your lunch break or only have limited time due to the weather or the kids, it’s important to get the most out of your walk. Compared with walking at a slow pace, studies have shown walking at an average pace was associated with a reduced risk of cardiovascular mortality, with the greatest benefit observed in those who reported walking at a fast pace.
How fast is fast enough?
Looking over nearly 40 research studies, walking at a pace of 100 steps every minute works out as a moderate intensity activity for most adults. To work this out, time yourself for a minute, count the number of steps you take with one foot and then simply multiply by two. But if that sounds like too much messing about, another way to make sure you’re walking at a good pace is to:
Notice when your breathing and heart rate increases
See when you feel a little bit warm or sweaty
But you are still be able to hold a conversation
Struggling for inspiration
We all have days where we don’t feel like getting out there and being active. So if you need a bit of a nudge to get out for your 30 minutes, this video is a must watch!
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