How To Manage Late Night Cravings

In this article:

Night time snacking on sugary foods as a result of cravings can disrupt sleep and cause indigestion, which will leave you more tired the next day as well as contributing to weight gain. Here are some tips to help reduce night time cravings and snacking, and feel more energised as a result!

Getting to the root cause

One of the most effective ways of getting to the root cause of your cravings is to keep a diary that relfects on the following:  

  • Did you eat enough food (calories) during the day, or did you skip meals? 

    You may think that skipping meals is the best way to reduce calories for weight loss, but this increases the urge to snack at night. When your body isn’t getting enough calories during the day, you’re more likely to feel hungrier at night. 

  • Did you eat enough protein and fibre during the day 

    Protein and fibre take longer to digest and manage our blood sugar levels during the day which can reduce cravings in the evening 

  • Could your cravings be a result of stress or boredom? 

    Stress can interfere with self-control and increase hormones that make you feel hungry. It can increase your cravings for comforting foods that are high in salt and sugar.  

  • Did you have a tasty, satisfying evening meal? 

  • Did you take time to sit down and eat your evening meal mindfully? 

Ways to manage cravings 

  • Keep a regular meal pattern – always include breakfast, lunch and dinner 

  • Include a protein source at each meal  

  • Include a fibre source at each meal 

  • Take time to eat evening meal mindfully 

Boredom/Stress suggestions 

If boredom is the main reason for your cravings, here are some ways to address this:

  • Go for a short walk 

  • Listen to a podcast or music you like 

  • Practice mindfulness or do a short yoga routine (YouTube has free yoga routines) 

  • Have a bath or practice self-care (meditation, deep breathing) 

Finding activities that distract and/or relax you can help you become more in tune with your hunger cues and manage feelings of boredom or stress that may be contributing to unnecessary night time snacking.

If your cravings are a result of hunger (see guide on recognising hunger signals here), here are some small snack options that are ideal for the evening time (approximately 100-150kcal):

  • 0% fat Greek yoghurt with berries/nuts or 2 squares of dark chocolate 

  • Popcorn (30g) 

  • Low kcal jelly with light custard 

  • Protein pudding 

  • 2 x Weetabix with 200ml low fat milk 

How to get back on track

  • Do not restrict your diet the next day or skip meals. This will only lead to reoccurrence the next day and the cycle will continue.

  • Eat regular, balanced meals with adequate protein and fibre sources. 

  • Reflect on why it may have happened addressing the questions above.

  • Be kind to yourself and try some of the techniques above to break the habit.

If you would like to speak to a dietitian about managing cravings, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our team on 01 611 1740, or book a consultation online here.

Written by: Maria Kennedy, CORU Registered Dietitian

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