Foods with high water content to help you stay hydrated

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With the temperatures rising in Ireland, it is important we drink plenty of fluids to help us stay well hydrated. 

According to the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), adult women and men should drink around 2L and 2.5L respectively.

There are some foods that are also great sources of water. It is estimated that when we are relatively sedentary, food supplies approximately 20% of our water intake (although this can be variable, depending on the types of food consumed)

Below are some food ideas that you can include in your diet to maximise your fluid intake

Cucumber~96% water

Their high-water content makes them very refreshing. You can add cucumber to your salads, snack on them as vegetable sticks, and/or add them in water with mint and lime to make a refreshing drink.

Tomatoes~95 % water

These are a great source of a wide range of vitamins and minerals. Tomatoes are very hydrating and can be used in various dishes, salads and sandwiches.

Lettuce~95% water

Lettuce provides nutrients and fibre, as well as a high amount of water which may help to keep you hydrated. Similar to cucumber and tomatoes, you could add lettuce to your diet by adding to salads. 

Carrots~ 86%-95% water

As well as adding water to your diet; carrots also have man y other health benefits. They are a source of fibre and contain many vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin A, K and potassium

Melon~91%-95% water

Watermelon, honeydew and cantaloupe provide hydration and contain essential nutrients including vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

Oranges~ 85%-86%

Citrus fruits like oranges, clementine’s and satsumas are also very hydrating and are good sources of vitamin C which help to maintain healthy skin, blood vessels and bones.

Blueberies~85% water

Blueberries have a high antioxidant capacity, which may help to protect cells from being damaged. They are also a source of fibre, minerals and vitamins. Having a handful of blueberries as a snack or topping it on your cereals, with yogurt can provide extra hydration.

Pears~80%-84% water

Pears have a high-water content and soluble fibre, which can help you feel fuller for longer as well as keeping you hydrated.


As well as being quite hydrating, bananas contain many micronutrients; one of them including potassium which is an important electrolyte for regulating fluid balance. 

Soups, Broths and Stews~70%-95 water

Most soups, broths and stews are hydrating as the main ingredient is usually water or liquid based i.e. tomato based

Plain Yogurt~75%-80% water

Plain yogurt us a great source of water, protein and some vitamins and minerals (e.g. calcium and B vitamins), providing hydrating effects, along with many other health benefits.

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