Eating out in your favorite Restaurants – the Sensible Way

In this article:

Having meals out and enjoying occasional treats are part of life but by having them in moderation and making some adjustments you will be able to enjoy these occasions without feeling guilty or putting weight back on. Many of us meet up with friends and family during the week and more often on the weekends and therefore more of chance of eating heavier meals. Here are some quick and easy tips for keeping the calories down while eating out!

Tips for Eating Out

  1. Compensation- Eat smaller mini-meals during the day, eat healthily the rest of the week and allow the meal to be your treat and/or add 1- 2 additional exercise sessions into your week.
  2. Avoid going to dinner feeling starving. Have a small snack before leaving home i.e. a handful of nuts and an apple or a small salad.
  3. Preview. Have a look at the menu in advance if you can and plan what you will order, this will help to reduce temptations.
  4. Take your time. It’s not a race and stop eating when you begin to feel full.
  5. Have a starter or a dessert, not both. Alternatively have a main and share a dessert. 
  6. Have a glass of water in between alcoholic drinks (this is of course for those people NOT on PRE-TOX). If on PRE-TOX enjoy the water.
  7. Avoid dishes with cream, butter, oil, that are deep fried, breaded, battered or topped with cheese these little “extras” aren’t worth the extra calories. 
  8. Choose a protein rich food and vegetables for a less calorific main course. 
  9. Order meat, chicken or fish that is steamed, poached, roasted, broiled, boiled, grilled or baked.
  10. Modify the menu – ask for dishes to be prepared in a more diet-friendly way and for sauces or dressings to be served on the side. 
  11. Share large portions with other people
  12. Ask the waiter to remove the leftovers as it is easy to pick at these if they are left in front of you. 
  13. Avoid Buffets – they make portion control very difficult. Studies have shown that when we’re given more choices, we tend to eat more without realizing it.

Most importantly, enjoy your meals while out with family and friends, knowing that using these simple tips will help in keeping weight gain down!!