Parkinson’s Disease – LSVT

The following blog was written by our Speech and Language Therapist, Emer Foley. Emer is trained in the use of Lee Silverman Voice Treatment (LSVT) and is experienced in managing communication disorders associated with Parkinson’s disease. Parkinson’s disease is a neurological disorder which is caused when the cells in the brain stop producing enough dopamine […]
Aphasia – What You Might Not Know

Aphasia is a language disorder or impairment which affects many people. Today’s Speech and Language blog provides some interesting facts which you might not have known about the condition. – Aphasia is a language disorder that is caused by damage to area of the brain that controls language. – Aphasia is an acquired communication disorder, […]
Don’t Deny Dyslexia

‘Learning differences are a gift and not a stigma’ – this is a realization that has only come to shine in the past decade or so. Thanks to raised awareness of learning differences like dyslexia and the success of iconic figures with learning differences like Steve Jobs who was dyslexic; it has become more readily […]
Adult Stutter

Thanks to Lauren Daly, Speech and Language Therapist at Spectrum Health for writing the following blog on stuttering in Adults. Even the King can Stutter In the film “The King’s Speech,” Colin Firth plays King George VI of Britain, but in order to address his subjects, the new king had to overcome a major obstacle: […]
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) – What has Speech and Language Therapy got to do with it??

This blog is written by Karen Gill Our Clinical Lead in Speech and Language Services, it helps explain the Overlap between Language Difficulties and AD(H)D! AD(H)D is defined as a pattern of behavioral symptoms of inattention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity that may occur in various combinations; it is diagnosed by Psychiatrists and Clinical Psychologists – so […]
Television and Children – Language Development

This blog was written by Eadaoin Flynn, Speech and Language Therapist explaining how parents can ensure their children are watching the appropriate amount of television for their age as well as the right type of television shows. Recent years have seen an increase in the variety and availability of television for children. It appears that […]
Happy New Year! Speech & Language Therapy in 2013

Happy New Year – Speech and Language Therapy 2013 Everyday speech and language therapists work with a wide range of people from infants with language delay, to young children who stammer to adults who have neurological conditions to older persons who may be recovering from a stroke. We aim to give them voice by […]
Children in Disadvantaged Areas Can Benefit From Speech & Language Therapy

Childhood Development Initiative The Childhood Development Initiative issued a recent report on November 15th on providing early speech and language services to children. The report discusses how young children from disadvantaged areas, who are given access to Speech & Language Therapy, will have a better start in their schools. The study was based on a piloted service where […]
Stuttering: A Quick Overview of What You Need to Know

What is Stuttering? Stuttering is a speech disorder where the person knows what he/she wants to say but at the time may be unable to say it because of disruptions to fluency. In most cases a stutter is not acquired but developmental, adults presenting with a Stutter usually have had it since childhood. It is […]
The Characteristics of Developmental Verbal Dyspraxia

What is Developmental Verbal Dyspraxia? Developmental Verbal Dyspraxia/Childhood Apraxia of Speech means the child has difficulty with the coordination and movement patterns of speech muscles that are needed for clear and intelligible speech. It can be completely separate condition or it can co-occur with Dyspraxia (motor) which affects sequencing and learning of motor movements such as […]
Language Development in Children

Our Speech and Language Therapist Lauren Daly discusses language development in children. What if “’I’m sure it’s nothing” turns into “I’m sure it’s something”. As parents we want to do the best we can for our children. You’ve probably heard that the early years of your child’s life are the most important for building strong language skills. […]
World Voice Day

World Voice Day is an event celebrated worldwide on the 16th of April to create awareness and recognition of the human voice. It serves to remind us all of the importance of the human voice is and to highlight how necessary it is for the voice to be fully functioning in every aspect of our day […]
Stuttering in Children

This blog post was written by our Speech and Language Therapist Lauren Daly who has extensive experience in treating children with speech and language difficulties. Lauren works in our IFSC clinic. Porky pig is a well-loved cartoon character who stutters. Characters like Porky pig raise awareness of this Speech Difficulty that many children deal with on a […]
Hoarse Voice

Vocal hygiene is an important aspect of your health and should not be overlooked but given the attention and care it needs. This especially applies to those who need to use their voice extensively in their day to day life such as teachers, presenters, singers etc. Hoarseness can occur for a variety of reasons for […]
Language Development

Communication is not just about what we hear, it’s about what we see too. When two people send messages of any kind to each other, even without words, they are communicating. Babies begin to communicate long before they can talk by crying, smiling, vocalizing, moving their bodies and reaching for something. Even as children grow […]