What is Corporate Wellness?

Corporate wellness programmes have gained prominence in recent years as an essential part of any company’s approach to their employee’s health and productivity. A person’s work life is no longer limited to the absolute basics of the task at hand with the importance of an environment that supports a fully rounded individual in their working […]
Parenting Tips – Managing Children’s Behavioral Problems

Managing a child’s behaviour is one of the greatest tasks involved with being a parent and it is an area where a lot of people may struggle. This is a common occurrence for many parents and there is no need to feel like you are failing if a child’s behaviour is or has become unruly. […]
Child Development Milestones: 6 months

There are certain child development milestones and language milestones expected of your child at certain ages. These milestones are marked by how a child speaks, plays, learns and acts in order to give us an idea of their stage of development. You can refer to the below as a rough guide to ensure that child […]
Child Development Milestones: 1 year

Following on from the last blog on child development at 6 months, here is some information on how your child should have progressed by 1 year. Please remember that not all children will develop at the same rate as one another and that this is just a general guide to child development for the 1 […]
Child Development Milestones: 18 Months

Continuing on with our series of blogs about the different milestones children should reach at certain stages and ages this blog covers the child development milestones for an 18 month old baby. The different things they do and say gives us an idea of their stage of development and which child development milestone they […]
Child Development Milestones: 2 Years

Looking at our last post on child development at 18 months, you’ll be amazed by how much your baby’s play, coordination and confidence will have developed in these 6 short months to bring them to the 2 year child development milestone. With each passing month your child has learned new ways to express himself/herself, new […]
Child Development Milestones: 3 years

Do you think about or even worry about your child’s speech and development? Do you know what sounds they should be making at 3 years of age or how they should be interacting with others? Should he or she be speaking full sentences by now? Or asking questions? How many words should be part of […]
Coping with Bedwetting: How to Prevent its Occurrence

How Does Bedwetting Occur? Bedwetting refers to the continued difficulty of a child, over the age of six years old, to control their bladder functioning during the night-time. Most children follow the sequence of developing bowel control by day first, then by night, followed by bladder control by day and then by night. Daytime wetting […]
Helping Your Child Build Self Esteem

Self-esteem is how we feel about and view ourselves. Self-esteem directly impacts on how children behave and feel. Having a realistic and positive view of self is important for a child’s happiness, security, and functioning. A child with good self-esteem will be able to act independently, manage peer pressure, willing to take on new tasks, […]
Child Development Milestones: 4 Years

There are certain developmental milestones and language milestones expected of your child at certain ages. These milestones are marked by how a child speaks, plays, learns and acts in order to give us an idea of their stage of development. You can refer to the below as a rough guide to ensure that your child’s […]
Child Development Milestones: 5 Years

There are certain developmental milestones and language milestones expected of your child at certain ages. These milestones are marked by how a child speaks, plays, learns and acts in order to give us an idea of their stage of development. You can refer to the below as a rough guide to ensure that your child’s […]
Sleep in Young Children & Infants (0-5 years)

Why is sleep important? No one is really sure why sleep is so important, except that it is! We know that during sleep, daily events and experiences are established in the memory areas of the brain, and the optimal regulation of physical, cognitive, neurological and emotional processes are promoted. The best way of appreciating the […]