Hot vs. Cold: What Is The Best Treatment for a Back Injury?
Many of us have been subjected to an injury at some point, and it’s not unusual for us to try a number of different methods to try and get rid of the pain. Two of the most popular methods of alleviating pain is the applying of ice or heat. But there can be some confusion as to what kind of treatment should be used for certain injuries.
A Guide To Foam Rolling
Foam rolling is a self-myofascial release (SMR) technique used by athletes and physical therapists to aid in the recovery of muscles that are prone to being overactive.
Common Types of Knee Injuries
The knee is one of the most common parts of the body to be injured. Check out some of the most common types of injuries here.
Sports Injury Prevention for Athletes
Many athletes fall prey to sports injuries each year in Ireland. From twisted ankles to torn ligaments and broken bones to concussions, these injuries can affect athletes of all ability and skill levels. Here are some stellar tips that can help you prevent sports injuries and limit the amount of time that you spend out of the game.
Text Neck: A Frightening New Trend in the Digital Era
The constant staring at a smartphone can lead to poor posture, often known as ‘text neck,’ but what are the ramifications of this poor posture?
Lower Back Pain and Stress: How Are They Related?
While the emotional ramifications of stress are enough to make the condition far from attractive, it can also cause some people lower-back pain.
Interesting Facts about Physiotherapy
Physiotherapy can be used to help in a wide variety of issues, from sports injuries to chronic pain. Most of you probably have a general idea of what physiotherapy is, but here are some interesting facts about physiotherapy that you probably don’t know.
Finding Your Sole Mate: Tips for Choosing The Right Walking Shoe
Most of our foot and leg problems result from wearing the wrong kind of shoes, therefore, it is extremely important that you buy your walking shoes with care.
Sciatic Nerve Pain
The sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in the body. It has its roots in the bottom of the back, and runs downward into the thigh. Sciatic nerve pain can therefore manifest as pain in the lower back, buttocks, hips, thighs, or knees.
Bell’s Palsy Exercises
Bell’s palsy is when one side of the face becomes weak or paralyzed as a result of nerve damage. Even though Bell’s palsy is not a serious condition and will disappear on its own in most cases, physical therapy can be used to speed up the process.
A Guide to Calf Strains
Calf strains are the result of sudden stretching or long-term overuse of the calf muscles, the muscles located at the back of the lower part of the leg. Calf strains can affect anyone, but those who are involved in physically demanding, fast-paced sports are particularly vulnerable.
Golfer’s Elbow
Golfer’s elbow is a condition characterised by the inflammation of the tendons that connect the muscles in your arms to your elbows. Although golfer’s elbow is common among those who play golf regularly, any action that involves repetitive use of the wrists or a clenched fist can lead to golfer’s elbow.
Choosing the Right Physio for You
As with most healthcare professionals, physiotherapists tend to specialise in one particular area. These include, but are not limited to, chronic issues, post-op recovery, sports injuries, paediatric care, physiotherapy for the elderly, and rehabilitation. The first step in finding the right physiotherapist for you is to identify where your pain is and what is the most likely cause of it e.g. sports injury, pregnancy.
Benefits of Pilates
If you want a system that has been recognised for its effectiveness and ease to get into, then Pilates has to be near the top of the list. But what is Pilates and what benefits does it offer?
How Physiotherapy Can Help with Headaches
Very few of us go through life without getting headaches and for some, they can become so bad that they are the ruling factor in our lives. But can a physiotherapist help deal with the problem?
The Benefits of Taping
Taping is a relatively new phenomenon in athletics, but one that has started to gain mainstream popularity in recent years. In essence, taping is used to provide support or relief to injured athletes, although some also use it preventatively. Taping can be used in different ways for different issues and can achieve a variety of results, which this article will explore.
How to Care for a Sprained Ankle
Given the fact that our ankles are used in almost all of our daily activities, a sprained one can be quite an inconvenience. Properly caring for a sprained ankle can help reduce pain, recovery time, and the chance of further complications down the line.
Physiotherapy and Diabetes
Diabetes has been on the rise globally for decades, and it is estimated that about 5% of people in Ireland have diabetes. Although there is no cure to either of the two types of diabetes, type 2 is brought on largely by a lack of exercise. Therefore, it is no surprise that exercise can help manage the condition and keep people who have it healthier for longer.