What Are Soft Tissue Injuries?

Soft tissue refers to any of the connective tissues that surround the bones and joints in our bodies. The term ‘soft tissue injury’ therefore covers damage to any of the muscles, tendons or ligaments of the body. Injuries can range from commonly seen mild sprains or strains to tendon rupture. 

Preventing Back to College Pain

Students today suffer from a number of health concerns developed from the hours spent pondering over notes, laptops and video games.

Choosing the Best Backpacks for Kids

Here is a list of tips that can help you choose the right backpack for your little one so that they may not feel the weight of the world so soon on their shoulders!

Physiotherapy and Virtual Reality

For most of us, the Nintendo Wii is a fun way to hang out and play with a cool toy or burn some extra calories at home. But now, the Wii and Wii Fit is being extended into the rehabilitation arena. Here we weigh out the pros and cons of using these games in lieu of a licensed and trained physiotherapist.

Physiotherapy: More Than Just a Back Rub

Physiotherapy includes numerous types of treatment, from orthopaedic to cardiopulmonary, from paediatric to geriatric, and many more. Each branch offers different types of medical techniques that can be of help to many patients.

A Guide To Foam Rolling

Foam rolling is a self-myofascial release (SMR) technique used by athletes and physical therapists to aid in the recovery of muscles that are prone to being overactive. 

Benefits of Walking

More than 2,400 years ago, Hippocrates said, “Walking is a man’s best medicine.” It might seem too simple to be true, but when it comes to improving your overall health, all you really need to do is to get walking.

Desk Exercises

Sitting for hours at your desk all day sets you up for injury and complications that come with increased weight, inactivity and less exercise. This is why simple exercises at your desk every day are very critical for your overall health and wellbeing.

7 Steps to Determine Your Knee Injury

There are many types of knee injuries and conditions, which can be treated successfully by Physiotherapy. These are just 7 simple steps a physiotherapist will take to determine whether you are suffering from a knee injury or osteoporosis.

Sports Injury Prevention for Athletes

Many athletes fall prey to sports injuries each year in Ireland. From twisted ankles to torn ligaments and broken bones to concussions, these injuries can affect athletes of all ability and skill levels. Here are some stellar tips that can help you prevent sports injuries and limit the amount of time that you spend out of the game.

Foam Roller Exercises

Check out our four relaxing foam rolling exercises to do at home to stretch and relax tired, sore or injured muscles. 

How to Prevent Common Running Injuries

With the Dublin City Marathon fast approaching, all runners who are now in-training should be aware of some of the potential injuries that can occur during your preparations so that you can avoid them from occurring before or during the big race day.