New treatments for Stroke Patients | The Physio Company
Scottish doctors from The University of Edinburgh announced that cooling the brain of patients who have suffered a stroke could dramatically improve their recovery.
Running off the Winter Blues Part 10
In the final part of our “Running off The Winter Blues”, series, Rob Hanley of our Dooradoyle clinic in Limerick discusses how beginner runners can plan out a timetable for progressing to running 5km and then how to plan out training for a full marathon.
Run Off The Winter Blues Part 7
In the last few entries we’ve looked at running gear, motivation and covered how to run with good technique. Your running technique, however, is only as good as it’s component parts allow it to be or, as the old saying goes, “a chain is only as strong as it’s weakest link”. A simple example in runners can be and overly tight calf muscle.
Run Off the Winter Blues Part 4
There are numerous books, courses and an enormous amount of medical research dedicated to the subject how we run and the bestway to do it. We know for certain about the numerous health benefits associated with aerobic exercise from improved mood and sense of well-being , to helping prevent illnesses such as diabetes, heart disease and stroke.
Female Incontinence: Is exercising a problem?
With the weather improving and more people wanting to get out and get active, people are looking for new ways to exercise. With a huge increase in bootcamps popping up around the city there are many options for fun and quick ways to get fit.
Shin Splints – Causes, Treatment & Prevention
In the run up to the Dublin Marathon, we are going to update everyone on running Injuries. One of the main injuries that we see with runners is shin splints!
New Treatments for Diagnosing & Managing Arthritis
Physiotherapy treatment has a large part to play in the overall management of all types of arthritis, including Rheumatoid, Juvenile, psoriatic etc. New research into the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis is focusing on the importance of ultrasound to assist in managing the condition…
Physio – Tag Rugbys Best Friend
Tag rugby has become a hugely popular pastime in the Summer Months here in Ireland. Despite the limited amount of physical contact in the game, injuries are still common. This blog post is the first excerpt in an article written by the Physio Company’s Director of Medical Services, Anne McGoldrick.
Ergonomics at Work – Sitting Or Standing Desks
Latest research demonstrates that a combination of sitting and standing at work greatly reduces the incidence of musculo-skeletal discomfort. The bottom line is postural variation at work is much better for the body and creates fewer painful areas.
Tips For Running the Dublin Marathon
The National Lottery Dublin Marathon, which is in its 31st year, is just 19 days away. The race, which winds through the Georgian streets of Dublin, takes place on Monday, the 31st of October. Here are a few quick pointers from The Physio Company, which can help you perform to the best of your ability in this race.
Difference Between a Chartered Physio and Physical Therapist
Patients are often confused about the difference between a Chartered Physiotherapist and physical therapist. Here the Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists (ISCP) explain that the difference is much more than just in the name…
Hamstring Injuries in Sports People
The hamstring muscle group has three main muscles. These are bicep femoris, semimembranosus and semitendinosus. Hamstring strains are common injuries that occur in sprinters and sports involving sprinting such as soccer and hockey. Injuries usually occur when the hamstring suddenly stretches or rapidly contracts against resistance. There are several pre-disposing factors for hamstring strains:
What Can Acupuncture Help With
Acupuncture can play a very important role in helping to achieve some of the traditional New Year’s resolutions. This is some of them listed below but by no means all of them.Losing weight is the most common New Year’s resolution and often one of the hardest to maintain. Acupuncture treatments can help you reach your target level of fitness and…..
Reassessing Training Plans and Workouts
Now that we’re into the second month of our new year’s resolutions it might be time to reassess our training plans. When starting, restarting or progressing a resistance training program there are certain factors that must be considered to ensure you reap the benefits as well as avoid injury. Frustration often develops when training does not produce the desired results so here are a few tips to help you along the way.
Can Acupuncture Help Female Infertility
Acupuncture is an ancient therapeutic art that has been given renewed attention in light of recent scientific research and current integration into modern medical practice in the treatment of a wide range of diseases including Infertility.
What is Pilates?
Over the last few years in Ireland Pilates has grown in both popularity and availability. A main reason for this surge in interest can be put down to the fact that it is suitable for almost everyone, from athletes to the elderly. Furthermore, the benefits reaped from pursuing Pilates are plenty with a huge amount attributed to the advantages associated with having a strong and stable core.
Winter Sports – 12 Tip Guide to Avoid Injury
As many people may be embarking on winter sports-based holidays in the coming weeks and months we thought this short guide might help you out on your travels or adventures on the slopes. As fun and exhilarating as these trips can be, constant caution should be taken to avoid injury. Skiers, snowboarders, ice skaters and sledders should take some very simple safety precautions which could make all the difference in avoiding injury.
Can Exercise Help With Arthritis
You may think arthritis and exercise do not go hand in hand, however this is definitely not the case. It was believed for many years that if an individual had arthritis they should not attempt exercise as it could further damage joints. Today, research shows that exercise is an essential tool in the management of arthritis.