5 Easy Swaps For Weight Loss

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Losing weight does not have to involve an extreme overhaul of every element of your current lifestyle. In fact, making gradual and manageable changes has been found to be much more effective for sustaining weight loss in the long run. Try out these five easy swaps to get you started on your weight loss journey!

walking up stairs

1. Swap the lift for the stairs 

Moving more in general in addition to exercise can be helpful with weight loss.  You could also try parking the car further away from the entrance or getting off the bus 1 or 2 stops early. All these little chunks of extra movement then add up across the day.  

2. Swap white carbs for brown

Carbs are in foods such as bread, pasta and rice. Brown versions of these foods contain wholegrains which means they are higher in fibre than the white versions. Increasing fibre in our diet helps to keep us fuller for longer.

3. Swap an alcoholic beverage for non-alcoholic

Alcohol is very high in calories and excess consumption can lead to weight gain and lots of other health issues. Over the past few years there have been many low and non alcohol versions of mainstream alcoholic drinks brought to the market with very little difference in the taste! Cutting down on alcohol can help you to lose weight and also improve your overall health. 

4. Swap The grande for a flat white

A large latte containing syrup’s can contain almost as much calories as a small meal! If you drink this type of coffee regularly, why not try a flat white which is a smaller version of a latte and avoid adding extra sugar or syrups.  

5. Swap the deep fat fryer for an air fryer

Using a deep fryer or a lot of oil when cooking can drastically increase the calorie content of a meal. Air fryer’s have become increasingly popular over the past couple of years and only require a minimal amount of oil to achieve a nice crispy texture.  

Written by: Hollie Corrigan, CORU Registered Dietitian with Spectrum Nutrition

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