Why Runners Should Get A Gait Analysis

People running in a marathon

The link between biomechanics and running performance is clear. Every stride you take as a runner is influenced by your unique gait pattern, which can have a huge impact on your overall running experience and foot health. In this blog, we’ll explore the importance of gait analysis for runners from a podiatric standpoint and why […]

What wearing high heels does to your foot posture

Woman walking in heels outdoors

High heels have been a fashion staple for hundreds of years, but as time goes on, more and more questions are being asked about what effect they have on your health. Any woman at the end of a long night can tell you how much pain high heels can cause feet, but the damage extends […]

The worst types of shoes for your feet

Woman in a dress taking off her heels in the street to rub her heel

Our feet may not be our main medical concern, but they are something we should pay attention to. Even the slightest problem with one of our feet can leave us hobbling and take us out of action for weeks. This is why it is so important to choose the right shoe. Proper footwear can offer […]

What’s causing my bunion?

Persons foot showing a bunion

If you have a firm, painful bump at the base of your big toe, it is most likely a bunion. While small bunions, known as bunionettes, can also form at the base of your little toe, the overwhelming majority of bunions form on the big toe. Once a bunion has formed, there are no easy […]

Your Top Walking Pains Solved

Blurry crowd of people walking

Walking is a fantastic, low-stress form of exercise that can be easily incorporated into our daily lives. Whether it’s walking instead of taking the bus, or meeting up with friends to go around the park, walking can benefit your mentality, decrease your risk of heart disease, and much, much more. But, as with any activity, […]

Will Smoking Affect My Feet

Man breaking a smoke in half

We all know that smoking has detrimental effects on our bodies in many ways. As well as significantly increasing the likelihood that you will develop cancer, smoking severely impacts our fitness levels, which can lead not only to heart problems, but also a whole host of other blood and circulatory issues. Although smokers know that […]

Treating Cracked Heels

Person in a hammock relaxing barefoot

Cracked heels may not be the worst medical condition in the world, but they can be a nuisance. From itchy feet to pain walking even the shortest trips, there really is no upside to cracked heels. Fortunately, most cases of cracked heels are easily preventable and treatable. What Causes Cracked Heels? Our heels generally crack […]

Five Signs Your Child May Have A Foot Problem

Child standing on parents feet

Children’s health can be a very mysterious thing. They pretend to be sick to skip school, they can shake off the most frightening of bumps and falls, and they often can’t vocalise their issues. As a parent, it is your job to monitor them for signs of ill-health. In this blog, we’re going to look […]

Reducing Foot And Leg Swelling

Woman nursing a sprained ankle

Leg and foot swelling are problems that will affect all of us, not just at some point in our lives, but fairly frequently. But whether it’s every now and again, or every other day, swelling is still unpleasant. Luckily there are plenty of ways you can reduce the amount of swelling from home. Legs Salt […]

Types Of Orthotics

Mans foot being scanned for orthotics

Orthotics are customised shoe inserts that can be used to address a number of health issues, from foot problems to back pain. There are two different types of orthotics, which are each used to deal with different problems. Here we’ll help you decide if orthotics are for you, and if so, which kind. Custom Orthotics Also […]

The Impact Of Obesity On Your Feet

View of womans feet standing on weight scales

Obesity is an issue that is becoming increasingly prominent in almost every developed nation, and Ireland is no exception. In 2015, 23% of people in Ireland were classified as obese, with a further 37% being classified as overweight. In fact, Ireland is estimated to become the most obese country in Europe by 2030, with 89% […]

Tips for Tidy Toenails | Nail Care Techniques From our Podiatrist Team

Foot with skincream in the shape of a smiley face

Tips for Tidy Toenails – The Do’s and Don’ts From our Podiatrists We see our fair share of neglected toes and toenails in our clinics, and a few over-enthusiastic trimmers too, but who are we to judge as we know more than anyone that the good old Irish summer time doesn’t often call for open […]

What is Podiatry/Chiropody?

Many different pairs of feet

The role of podiatry & chiropody in foot care A chiropodist or podiatrist is a specialised foot doctor who treats people suffering from lower limb or common foot problems such as bunions and ingrown toenails. Although many people get confused in understanding the difference between a chiropodist and a podiatrist, to be honest there is […]