THINKING TIPS (PART 3): Helping with Problem Thoughts – Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
In the last couple of blogs, we have identified typical types of thinking errors or cognitive distortions. It is important to become more conscious of our patterns of thinking because our thinking “lens” affects how we see ourselves, other people, and the world. If we are free of most or all thinking errors, our thinking […]
How to Lose Weight: Tip 3
Following on from last weeks blog, here is tip number 3 for How to Lose Weight as outlined by Michelle Butler, clinical manager for Spectrum Health’s Dietetics services. Tip No 3……. Choose 2 -3 small changes you can start with and write these down. Don’t set the bar too high. Goals don’t necessarily have to […]
Aphasia – What You Might Not Know
Aphasia is a language disorder or impairment which affects many people. Today’s Speech and Language blog provides some interesting facts which you might not have known about the condition. – Aphasia is a language disorder that is caused by damage to area of the brain that controls language. – Aphasia is an acquired communication disorder, […]
THINKING TIPS (Part 4) !! Helping With Problem Thoughts
We continue today on questioning unhelpful thoughts, which have a negative impact on our lives. If you have missed any of the previous parts of this series of blogs, they can be found here in Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3. Returning to our list of techniques which can be applied: 1) Question the […]
Alcohol Abuse
Alcohol abuse is one of the most prevalent issues in modern society and it is a problem which is on the rise here in Ireland. As a nation of people, who are among the highest alcohol consumers in the world, it is no surprise that alcohol abuse is such a large problem. According to figures […]
Diet Review Number 3: Diet Pills
Ok so crazy diet Number 3………… This time we will not review a DIET as such but an extensive list of Diet/Slimming Pills Who endorses these Diet Pills?? A lot of these products are actually considered “nutritional supplements,” so they are very poorly regulated and do not need to go through the same rigorous testing […]
Don’t Deny Dyslexia
‘Learning differences are a gift and not a stigma’ – this is a realization that has only come to shine in the past decade or so. Thanks to raised awareness of learning differences like dyslexia and the success of iconic figures with learning differences like Steve Jobs who was dyslexic; it has become more readily […]
How Many Calories do I Need?
The majority of us are aware of or at least have heard of the energy in – energy out equation required for weight maintenance and weight loss. But how many of us know what our individual energy requirements are or how many calories you need a day? Often you will hear that women should be […]