Stuttering in Children

This blog post was written by our Speech and Language Therapist Lauren Daly who has extensive experience in treating children with speech and language difficulties. Lauren works in our IFSC clinic. Porky pig is a well-loved cartoon character who stutters. Characters like Porky pig raise awareness of this Speech Difficulty that many children deal with on a […]
Hoarse Voice

Vocal hygiene is an important aspect of your health and should not be overlooked but given the attention and care it needs. This especially applies to those who need to use their voice extensively in their day to day life such as teachers, presenters, singers etc. Hoarseness can occur for a variety of reasons for […]
Language Development

Communication is not just about what we hear, it’s about what we see too. When two people send messages of any kind to each other, even without words, they are communicating. Babies begin to communicate long before they can talk by crying, smiling, vocalizing, moving their bodies and reaching for something. Even as children grow […]