Stress eating: How to understand and overcome emotional eating

Emotional eating is something that most of us have experienced, but how severe and how frequent this is can vary a lot between different people or at different times in our life. This article explores what emotional eating really means and how we can respond to this in a compassionate and helpful way.

Lunch Time Ideas

As we are preparing ourselves to settle into a more regular routine again in the coming week, it’s a great time to plan ahead on the grocery front.

Foods with high water content to help you stay hydrated

With the temperatures rising in Ireland, it is important we drink plenty of fluids to help us stay well hydrated. According to the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), adult women and men should drink around 2L and 2.5L respectively.

Why Do Some People Feel Hangry?

Hangry is a colloquial expression defined by the Oxford Dictionary as “feeling bad-tempered or irritable as a result of being hungry” Some scientific research suggests that huger induced emotionality or feeling “hangry” is more than mere colloquialism.