When Is It Time To Visit A Podiatrist?

Unfortunately, there are a lot of things that can go wrong with our feet. Skin and bones can break, blisters can form, toenails and even toes can grow the wrong way, and the list goes on. Despite the fact that most of these are not very serious health risks, these can easily become very uncomfortable and debilitating, as our feet are not only used practically all day every day, but also bear the weight of our entire bodies.
Why Have I Got Chillblains In My Toes?

Chilblains are swollen, painful patches that appear on the skin of our extremities in cold weather. Also known as pernio, perniosis, or cold-induced vascular disorder, chilblains are generally considered harmless, although they can be itchy, painful, and cause lesions or blisters. They are usually red in colour, although they can be blue, and the skin surrounding chilblains may look shiny as a result of swelling.
5 Ways To Look After Your Heart And Keep It Healthy

Heart disease is the number one cause of death in Ireland, responsible for roughly one-third of all deaths, and one-fifth of all premature deaths. In real terms, this means that about 10,000 people a year in Ireland die of heart disease.