Getting Back Into Your Shoes After A Boot Cast

After weeks of wearing a cast, your foot is likely to feel a little strange when it comes off. Apart from looking a bit pale and wrinkled, your foot may also be swollen and a bit stiff. But once the cast is off, your foot will feel lighter and easier to manoeuvre. But just because the cast is finally off doesnt mean you can just pick up where you left off. There are a few things you should do first to make your transition back to normal life as easy as possible.
8 Ways To Prevent Blisters

Blisters are small, fluid-filled bubbles on the skin that form as a result of friction, heat, or infection. The majority of this fluid is lymph, which helps keep our tissues and bloodstream clean, although a blister may also contain some amounts of plasma, blood, or pus as well. Blisters actually form as a defense mechanism to protect the lower levels of skin, but despite their best intentions, they can be quite painful. For this reason, we have put together a list of 8 ways to prevent blisters.
How To Eat Intuitively This Festive Period

For most people, Christmas is one of the best times of the year. It is a time when we get to indulge and treat ourselves to a variety of presents and treats without feeling guilty. But as fun as it may be, letting yourself go too crazy can mean you spend most of next year trying to shed the pounds you put on in a few short weeks. To help address this issue, we’ve laid out a few tips to help you treat yourself without mistreating your body.