The coconut oil trend

Cooking with coconut oil is something that has grown in popularity in recent years. Many people trying to be healthier find that coconut oil can add a nice bit of extra taste to the recipe. The only problem is that coconut oil is not a healthier alternative to the likes of olive or vegetable oil. In this blog, we’re going to examine how coconut oil became known as a healthy product, and how healthy it really is.
Getting your feet summer ready
The sun and heat that come with summer can be great for getting us out of the house and back into the real world. For a few shorts months, we can actually go outside without wrapping ourselves up in warm, waterproof clothing fit for an Arctic expedition. During summer, we tend to show off more of our bodies than we usually would, and this is especially true of our feet. Although they spend most of the year wrapped up in shoes and socks, summer is a time when showing off your feet is much more common. With that in mind, we’ve put together a short list on how to get your feet summer ready.