I Thought I Would Lose More Weight By Now?
Many people start running as a part of a general lifestyle change to get fit and lose weight. Running burns a lot of calories (an average of about 100 calories per mile), so you would think that would lead to weight loss. However, this is not always the case with some runners finding they don’t lose any weight. There is no straight forward answer on this, as everyone is different, but here are some things to take into consideration…
What Should I Eat After A Run?
Eating the right amount of protein and carbohydrates immediately after exercise can assist with protein synthesis and carbohydrate replacement. As a general guide, athletes should consume 1-2 of the following snacks after exercise.
Best & Worst Pre-Run Foods
Given that most ‘fun-runs’ are conducted in the morning, it doesn’t make sense to sacrifice sleep in order to eat and digest a full meal (which would mean you’d have to start eating 2 to 4 hours before the event). Here’s a guide to what you should and shouldn’t eat before your runs.
Lactose Intolerance

We’ve all heard of lactose intolerance, but do you really know what it is? There’s a good chance that you think it is the medical term for a dairy allergy, but the two are in fact completely unrelated conditions. This blog will look at the definition and various forms of lactose intolerance, as well as its implications.
Does My Child Need Insoles?
Flat feet can cause a lot of different problems. From the feet themselves, all the way up to the back, fallen arches can cause us a great deal of pain. It’s understandable therefore that you may be worried that your child has flat feet. Fortunately, this is rarely a problem in children. In this blog, we will outline the signs that suggest it may be an issue, as well as those worrying signs that are actually harmless.